Federal Job Interview Guide

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How to get an interview for a federal job

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First Impressions: Hiring officials often make a judgment within 15 seconds of you walking through the door, making appearance a critical, although often subconscious, aspect of an evaluation of a candidate. Make the best first impression you can and don't let anything about your appearance distract the interviewer from what you have to say. People often say to dress for the job you want. Whereas that may be true when you're in a role, interviews are different. Even if you're interviewing for a position, in which you'd wear a uniform (e. g., security), it's best to dress up for the interview. Moreover, an interview is not the time to make a fashion statement or express your love for REI attire. Dress professionally and be properly groomed. Be polite and courteous to everyone you meet, make eye contact, have a firm handshake, sit up straight, be sincere, and remember to smile, naturally. Interview Logistics: Bring additional copies of your resume. Make sure that you have a notepad with you to take notes, or to write down names and titles of the folks you meet.

If you've tailored your resume for the job, you can reference the section of your resume where it's discussed. This gives the interviewer a visual as well as an auditory reference to help them remember your qualifications. Know the Organization: Do research on the organization. Each agency has a specific mission and it's important to know what that is. Furthermore, agencies have a human capital plan that often explains skills the agency is most seeking. Click here, to search for missions and human capital plans by agency. Setting up Google news alerts is another easy way for you to stay on top of current events for a particular organization. For many government employees, it's not about the money they make, but being a part of an organization that is working hard to do something specific for the public. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask and tailor it to the organization and role you're interviewing for. This will show the hiring official that you take this interview and job opportunity seriously.
